saveTabs_chooseFolderTitle=Ordnerzum Speichern von ausgewählten Tabs wählen
compatibility_TMP_warning_title=Tab Mix Plus collides with Multiple Tab Handler
compatibility_TMP_warning_text=Multiple Tab Handler provides you an ability to select tabs by Ctrl-click or Shift-click on tabs. However, Tab Mix Plus also uses same shortcuts, so both features will fire if you do those actions. Which feature do you want to be enabled?
compatibility_TMP_warning_text_mac=Multiple Tab Handler provides you an ability to select tabs by Command-click or Shift-click on tabs. However, Tab Mix Plus also uses same shortcuts, so both features will fire if you do those actions. Which feature do you want to be enabled?
compatibility_TMP_warning_text_note=(*You can change those settings manually by the configuration dialog of each addon.)
compatibility_TMP_warning_use_multipletab=Enable only Multiple Tab Handler's features
compatibility_TMP_warning_use_TMP=Enable only Tab Mix Plus's features
compatibility_TMP_warning_keep=Keep current settings
compatibility_TMP_warning_never=Don't show this dialo anymore.
undo_closeTabs_label=Close %S tabs
undo_duplicateTabs_label=Duplicate %S tabs
undo_splitWindowFromTabs_label=Tear off %S tabs from window